
Maestro is the command-line interface for the computer grid at the Signal Processing Laboratory @ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (LPS/UFRJ).

It allows you to manage datasets and tasks, providing everything you need for best usage of the Orchestra Cluster, that aggregates multiple computer grids in one, increasing your own productivity.

Installation (Python API)

Disclaimer: Python 2.x versions aren’t necessarily supported, please upgrade to Python 3.x or use it at your own risk. If you really need support for those versions and it doesn’t work, please feel free to implement it and open a pull request on the Maestro repository <>

  • For the Python API, you must install it from PyPI using
  • After that, you can import it on your Python 3.x script:

Installation (CLI)

Install Maestro by running:

  • Clone the Maestro repository

    git clone

  • Go to the cloned directory:

    cd maestro

  • Run the setup script:


  • Done! You can test your installation by running:

    maestro –help

Getting started (Python API)

Disclaimer 1: for using Maestro Python API, you’ll need credentials on the Orchestra Cluster. If you don’t have it, please register here using your LPS mail or contact us. More information on contact on section Support.

Disclaimer 2: Internet access is mandatory.

Maestro has three main modules:

  • authenticate for generating your authentication token that will be stored at $HOME/.maestro_credentials
  • castor for managing datasets (uploading, downloading, deleting and listing)
  • task for managing workload tasks (creating, retrying, deleting, listing and killing)

maestro.authenticate (username, password)

This is the simplest module on Maestro and it’s necessary so you can access the other two. By running:

you will attempt to authenticate with the Orchestra API and, if succeeded, a token will be generated and stored at $HOME/.maestro_credentials. After this, you’ll no longer need to worry about authentication, if your credentials file remains untouched.

If you’ve changed passwords or wish to authenticate with another account, just run this command again and your credentials will be overwritten.


Castor module has four commands:

  • upload for uploading new datasets
  • download for downloading datasets from the Orchestra Cluster
  • delete for deleting datasets on the Orchestra Cluster
  • list for listing datasets related to a given username

maestro.castor.upload (datasetname, path) (datasetname)

maestro.castor.delete (datasetname)

maestro.castor.list (username, cli=False)

If you let cli = False, as default, it will return a list object containing the datasets related to the username provided. If set to True, it will print, in a pretty way, a table containing the same datasets (better for visualization).


Task module has five commands:

  • create for deploying workload
  • retry for retrying tasks that either failed or got killed
  • delete for deleting tasks on the Orchestra Cluster
  • list for listing tasks related to a given username
  • kill for stopping execution of tasks

maestro.task.create (taskname, dataFile, configFile, execCommand, containerImage, queue=’cpu_small’, secondaryDS=None, et=None, eta=None, dry_run=False)

maestro.task.retry (taskname)

maestro.task.delete (taskname)

maestro.task.list (username, cli=False)

maestro.task.kill (username, taskname)

Getting started (CLI)

Disclaimer 1: for using Maestro CLI, you’ll need credentials on the Orchestra Cluster. If you don’t have it, please register here using your LPS mail or contact us. More information on contact on section Support.

Disclaimer 2: Internet access is mandatory.

Maestro has three main modules:

  • authenticate for generating your authentication token that will be stored at $HOME/.maestro_credentials
  • castor for managing datasets (uploading, downloading, deleting and listing)
  • task for managing workload tasks (creating, retrying, deleting, listing and killing)

maestro authenticate

This is the simplest module on Maestro and it’s necessary so you can access the other two. By running:

maestro authenticate –user <username> –password <password>


maestro authenticate -u <username> -p <password>

you will attempt to authenticate with the Orchestra API and, if succeeded, a token will be generated and stored at $HOME/.maestro_credentials. After this, you’ll no longer need to worry about authentication, if your credentials file remains untouched.

If you’ve changed passwords or wish to authenticate with another account, just run this command again and your credentials will be overwritten.

maestro castor

Castor module has four commands:

  • upload for uploading new datasets
  • download for downloading datasets from the Orchestra Cluster
  • delete for deleting datasets on the Orchestra Cluster
  • list for listing datasets related to a given username

maestro castor upload

usage: maestro upload [-h] -d DATASETNAME -p PATH

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                show this help message and exit

-d DATASETNAME, --dataset DATASETNAME     The dataset name that will be registered on the
                                          database (e.g: user.jodafons...)

-p PATH, --path PATH                      The path to the dataset file

maestro castor download

usage: maestro download [-h] -d DATASETNAME

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                show this help message and exit

-d DATASETNAME, --dataset DATASETNAME     The dataset name to be downloaded

maestro castor delete

usage: maestro delete [-h] -d DATASETNAME

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                show this help message and exit

-d DATASETNAME, --dataset DATASETNAME     The dataset name to be removed

maestro castor list

usage: maestro list [-h] -u USERNAME

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                show this help message and exit

-u USERNAME, --user USERNAME              List all datasets for a selected user

maestro task

Task module has five commands:

  • create for deploying workload
  • retry for retrying tasks that either failed or got killed
  • delete for deleting tasks on the Orchestra Cluster
  • list for listing tasks related to a given username
  • kill for stopping execution of tasks

maestro task create

usage: maestro create [-h] -c CONFIGFILE -d DATAFILE --exec EXECCOMMAND
                     --containerImage CONTAINERIMAGE -t TASKNAME --queue
                     QUEUE [--sd SECONDARYDS] [--et ET] [--eta ETA]

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                   show this help message and exit

-c CONFIGFILE, --configFile CONFIGFILE       The job config file that will be used to configure the
                                             job (sort and init).

-d DATAFILE, --dataFile DATAFILE             The data/target file used to train the model.

--exec EXECCOMMAND                           The exec command

--containerImage CONTAINERIMAGE              The container image point to docker hub. The image
                                             must be public.

-t TASKNAME, --task TASKNAME                 The task name to append in the database.

--queue QUEUE                                The desired cluster queue: cpu_small, nvidia or cpu_large

--sd SECONDARYDS, --secondaryDS SECONDARYDS  The secondary datasets to append in the --exec
                                             command. This should be:--secondaryData='{'REF':'path/

--et ET                                      The ET region (for ringer users)

--eta ETA                                    The ETA region (for ringer users)

--dry_run                                    For debugging purposes

maestro task retry

usage: maestro retry [-h] -t TASKNAME

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                      show this help message and exit

-t TASKNAME, --task TASKNAME                    The name of the task you want to retry

maestro task delete

usage: maestro delete [-h] -t TASKNAME

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                      show this help message and exit

-t TASKNAME, --task TASKNAME                    The name of the task you want to remove

maestro task list

usage: maestro list [-h] -u USERNAME

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                      show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --user USERNAME                    The username

maestro task kill

usage: maestro kill [-h] -u USERNAME [-t TASKNAME] [-a]

optional arguments:
-h, --help                                      show this help message and exit

-u USERNAME, --user USERNAME                    The username.

-t TASKNAME, --task TASKNAME                    The name of the task you want to kill

-a, --all                                       Remove all tasks from given username


If you have any issues, please contact us (brazilian portuguese or english):


The project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.0 License.